April 22, 2012


Tripped out on peace slime,
he searches for the soul's vine,
gets dragged by a cat.

The feline hoard swarm
eat the rats eat the poison
then die in sewers.

This always occurs
when sacred bones are disturbed.
(Back to Ecuador)

April 20, 2012

Headless twin war gods
ascend into the nimbus
in search of some place.

Death breath can't phase me
when I count my syllables,
neither can your horns.

Long dark looks cast out
and shamanic temptation
reinforce my pledge.

April 19, 2012

 Getting breezed in here-
I am but a hologram,
do you remembrall?

The starwind 'possum
appears in the alley when
I think of you, dear,

and then when the moon
sends galactic energy,
I sit cross-legged.

Staring at fluid
right for us to canoe in
Reign beau in the night.