May 31, 2009

May 28, 2009

Population control
Swine flu is a joke,
You keep the pigs out of this.
They are innocent.

They crawl in and out
Your eye sockets and your nose,
They recycle you.

Back unto the Earth,
You become ashes and dust.
Caskets are useless.

We are born to die,
So get over it and live
Before they crawl in.

Insex 2
Searching for their glucose fix,
Creeping and crawling.

Their hairy feelers
Slightly tickle as they glide
All over your skin.

The heeby-jeebies,
The total creep-out effect
Makes you want to puke.

Space Cowboy
Your dad's wedding band
You wear on your perfect hand
Is in memory.

I first saw your face
In the cafeteria,
I won't forget it.